6 Ways Fusion CX Is Managing High Call Volume During COVID-19 Crisis

Managing High Call Volume During COVID-19

Unlike most other call center services providers, Fusion CX has responded to the current COVID-19 crisis with utmost promptness and transitioned almost 75% of its predominantly brick-and-mortar call center workforce to a work-at-home setup to ensure the business continuity of its clients. However, the challenge for us was to manage the high call volume during this crisis-driven transition while maintaining the same level of customer service.

With our flexible and adept work-at-home solution, Fusion CX has overcome the challenge and ensured customer service excellence. Here’s how we are overcoming the challenge:

Six Solutions for Managing High Call Volumes

1. Scheduling optimization

At Fusion CX, we understand that maximizing resources is critically important for managing call volumes that are reaching new heights. During the COVID-19 crisis, the right forecasts and flexible scheduling have become our most significant aid. Our integrated scheduling tools help us match availability and skill sets to place the right agents in the right capacity and time.

2. Analyzing issues and trends

Our contact center analytics allow us to monitor 100% of interactions across channels and help us gain insight into customer concerns. They help us handle an influx of calls and find additional ways to serve customers faster. Real-time analytics are used to provide additional support to agents with automated alerts that share new information even during ongoing customer interactions.

Our in-depth analytics insights are helping our clients develop new FAQs to offer their customers the right information through self-service options. It can also reveal opportunities for proactive customer support.

Monitoring and analyzing each interaction help us determine when a change in script or additional agent training and coaching is required. In this uncertain time, customers are already anxious. Agents often need to show more empathy and go off the script to ensure customer satisfaction. Therefore, at Fusion CX, we make sure to equip our agents with additional training, information, and changes in regulations wherever needed.

3. Training and coaching agents for the new situation

In times of uncertainty, the stress level of both customers and agents is higher than usual. To keep agents focused on delivering high-quality customer service even during peak hours, we provide them with the daily training and coaching they need. Even when a large section of our workforce works from home, we have adopted training and coaching processes to cater to the work-at-home situation. We have also launched several agent engagement programs to keep our agents motivated and develop a strong sense of community, resulting in fewer agent attrition.

We have also used gamification techniques to help our agents build knowledge and align their behavior with customer needs. These techniques allow us to keep the agents motivated and engaged through quick and continuous feedback via our in-house employee management system.

4. Engaging and motivating our remote workers

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we have transitioned 75% of our workforce in a work-at-home setting. As a result, we face new challenges in the continuity of service and agent engagement. We use analytics to keep at-home agents on track with new KPIs. We also provide continual feedback, make learning new things fun, and motivate agents to boost performance and stay engaged through gamification. It enhances how our remote agents interact with customers, resulting in better customer satisfaction.

5. Supporting agents with self-serve options

During the COVID-19 crisis, we are experiencing high call volumes. As a result, maintaining the usual wait, hold, and transfer time is becoming quite challenging. However, to keep our customers satisfied, we are determined to offer them prompt service with minimal wait time.

To overcome this challenge, we are working tirelessly with our clients to provide their customers with a robust self-service option. We are also offering live chat and email support services to provide prompt support while reducing the call volume. Our AI-powered chatbots, too, can offer our clients the option to handle a large volume of interactions without any human intervention. These solutions have significantly reduced the number of call volumes. As a result, we can resolve customer issues as quickly as possible.

6. Acknowledging and equipping essential frontline workers

At Fusion CX, we acknowledge our agents’ vital role in our client’s business continuity program. The quick transition from a brick-and-mortar call center to a work-at-home setup would not have been possible without them. Fusion CX is committed to supporting our agents with the knowledge and tools they need to overcome the challenge of a new work environment and excel despite it.

These are some ways Fusion CX is overcoming the challenge of high call volume during the current COVID-19 crisis. Contact us today to learn more about our Work-at-Home Solutions!

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