Dealing with the Angriest Customers

angry customers

A lack of customer complaints is not always the best news for a business. However, some customer complaints are good for businesses. They give businesses insight into what they must improve or change to keep their customers happy. This blog shares some strategies for dealing with the angriest customers.

So, even if you get vitriol from the customer, please note that it may contain valuable customer feedback. It is important to remember that every negative experience can be salvaged and transformed into an opportunity. All you need to do is to assess and address every customer complaint carefully.

As per data, nine out of ten times, a customer will continue doing business with you even after a slip-up—but only if you wholly fix the situation the first time. And therein lies the merits of dealing with the angriest of your customers. Fusion CX has some wisdom to share, which we have acquired over 15 years. 

Dealing with the Angriest Customers

1. Look past the rage

just because your customer is spewing vitriol does not mean his argument has no merit. Every argument, including the angry ones, has some insight. It is the job of the business to listen to each of its customers and act upon their feedback.

2. Record useful complaint

While helping customers is important, meeting their every demand without a second thought is wrong.  It encourages some customers to demand free stuff.

For this reason, you need to record every customer complaint organizationally. Evaluate each complaint and categorize them. The key is to make it easy and browseable. Give your team clear instructions to make note of every useful complaint, and you can rest easy because you will hear about them.

3. Identify the type of customer you are communicating with

You should use different tactics to deal with different customers. To do so, you need to understand the customer types. Here are the most prominent types you will be communicating with:

  • Meek customers – they need probing from your end
  • Aggressive customers – they need to be dealt with firm politeness
  • High roller customer – they pay well and demand premium support for it. They need to be on a VIP list.
  • Chronic complainer – these customers should be dealt with patience.
  • Never-happy customers – they need to be dealt with as firmly as possible

4. Don’t be passive-aggressive

Say you are sorry and mean it.  Never misuse the tone and sound dismissive while apologizing to the customers. They will appreciate your apology.

5. Transfer calls only after some explanation

no one likes their calls to get transferred. Therefore, if you have to do it, kindly explain it to the customer. This will help you earn their trust.

Follow these simple rules while dealing with the angriest customers.

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