Marketing Service Providers - United Kingdom

We will share your data with marketing service providers and companies/businesses that collect data and help their clients tailor products and services through targeted advertising that best suits your needs. They may also use your data for fraud prevention. The Marketing Services Providers we work with are limited to only those organizations we have completed checks on and who will process your data in compliance with all laws, regulations, and guidance regarding data protection. We will share your data under strict license terms with the Marketing Services Providers listed below, who, like us, will use it to create products and services to help organizations better understand the likely characteristics of their customers, communicate with them more effectively, and find others like them across a range of marketing channels. This may mean you receive advertising from organizations within the industry sectors listed above that is more relevant to you via direct mail or when you visit a website, mobile app, or watch TV. However, the Marketing Services Providers will not advertise their products or services to you. We have provided a link to each of the Marketing Services Providers listed below.