7 Strategies for Enhancing Customer Experience

Improves Your Customer Experience

With customer experience emerging as the next competitive differentiator, organizations are prioritizing it. Has your business started working on delivering stellar customer experiences yet?

According to Walker’s Customers 2020: A Progress Report, customer experience will surpass price and product as a key brand differentiator by 2020. Therefore, delivering quality customer experience is no longer optional; it’s essential for the survival of your brand. The sooner you start, the better your chances of retaining customers, improving revenue, and achieving success.

However, consistently delivering an outstanding customer experience is challenging. It requires more than occasional discounts or contests. Customer experience is about making customers feel appreciated, confident, and respected. This requires hiring an excellent customer service team with in-depth knowledge of customers, interactions, issue resolution, and proactive service.

7 Strategies for Enhancing Customer Experience

With over 15 years of experience in customer service, Fusion CX deeply understands customer behavior, needs, and the little things that make customers happy. We have helped numerous clients deliver outstanding customer experiences and earn customer loyalty.

1. Customer Profiling

At Fusion CX, we believe that understanding the customers is the first step to driving customer experience. We emphasize creating customer personas to better understand our clients’ customers. This helps our agents envision the customers they are dealing with daily and tailor their interactions accordingly.

For example, if a significant portion of your customer base is working women aged 25-35 living in the suburbs, a persona might look like this:

Jemma Atterton, Age 32, Mother to Johan (3 years old). She commutes daily from suburb to the city for work. Jemma has irregular work hours, allowing little time with her family during the workweek. She loves to eat out at nearby family restaurants and takes a family vacation once a year.

Creating detailed personas allows our agents to put a face to the customers they serve and better understand how to assist and improve their experience.

2. Recognize the Customer Journey

Agents should not interact with every customer in the same way. For example, how would you feel if, as a regular customer, the agent still greets you with, “Hi, welcome! Let me know if I can help you with anything.”?

While this message is great for customers in the awareness stage, it may not be effective for regular customers. Using CRM, Fusion CX’s customer service team can determine each customer’s journey stage and personalize interactions to boost their experience.

3. Create Emotional Bonds

Many of today’s customers are millennials who value experiences over products. To meet their expectations, your customer service team needs to create an emotional connection. Here are a few ways Fusion CX agents achieve this:

  • Sharing short stories to help customers relate to the agent and brand.
  • Offering small surprises like discounts, free upgrades, or early access.
  • Anticipating customer needs.
  • Rewarding loyalty with delightful surprises.

4. Reducing Customer Effort

Businesses today simplify the purchasing process with one-click checkout, next-day shipping, instant customer service access, etc. Reducing customer effort positively impacts sales and customer satisfaction. Fusion CX employs several strategies to minimize customer effort:

  • Offering to call back in case of disconnection.
  • Understanding customer queries clearly.
  • Using omnichannel customer service to ensure customers don’t need to repeat themselves.
  • Providing helpful material after service.
  • Practicing first contact resolution.

The less effort a customer makes, the higher their satisfaction level.

5. Using Feedback to Improve

Customers appreciate when you value their opinions. At Fusion CX, we involve customers in our improvement process. With client approval, we send post-interaction surveys to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

6. In-depth Training

Fusion CX ensures proper onboarding and ongoing training sessions for all processes. From traditional training at the start of an agent’s career to intermediate exercises as needed, we cover it all. We also conduct impromptu quizzes to ensure agents have absorbed the training information.

7. Interacting Through the Right Channel

Communicating through the right channel significantly improves customer experience. We believe in engaging customers on their preferred channels, helping us bond with them better, and driving loyalty and satisfaction.

At Fusion CX, creating exceptional customer experiences is about nurturing and caring for each client. We use these strategies to deliver the best customer experience to every customer we serve.

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